California 17B motions and Oregon

Apr 2018
Maybe somebody here has some insight or advice on the issue.

I am a previous felon who had gun rights restored in California via 17B motions. No problem in California I think. However, currently living in Oregon.

Oregon Supreme Court recognizes felony to misdemeanor reductions PROVIDED IT IS MEMORIALIZED IN A JUDGEMENT under Oregon Law.

Case Law

However, when 17B motions are granted in California, the court issues an ORDER not a judgment. That is sufficient in California. However, under Oregon reduductions the magic words JUDGEMENT have to be there due to peculiarities of Oregon Law.

The $64,000 question is whether Oregon Law enforcement will recognize 17B Motions granted in California

As far as I can determine, nobody on Earth knows the answer to that question now. Any insight appreciated.
Nov 2020
Grants Pass

The answer to the question is that Oregon does recognize California 17B reductions although you might have a hard time getting an attorney to answer the question. I got it from the horse's mouth: Oregon State Police Firearms unit.