Good advice....

Nov 2009
All the intel we've seen lately points to active shooter events as a very real tactic coming our way.

The Coming America - WARRIOR TALK NEWS

A great deal of speculation, discussion and even finger pointing has taken place since the failed VBIED attack at Times Square. As I recall the same happened at Fort Hood with Jihadist Army Major Hasan. What was notable was that success or failure was a product of the ability or inability of the terrorist and the authorities had almost nothing to do about it. As a point of fact, the bomber nearly got away. Then came the rationalizations and verbal gymnastics avoid and overlooking anything even remotely connecting Mr. Shahzad to Islam until it was impossible to avoid. I can almost see the administration on their knees praying to whomever they pray to – “Please let it be an old conservative Christian white guy”. I suspect they would have even settled for a conservative Christian black guy. Anything but (gasp) a Muslim jihadist.

America, and truly much of the west, is guilty of two major tactical sins.

One, we quickly forget the historical lessons of the past. We seem as a nation to quickly forget and become distracted like a child that suddenly sees a butterfly and forgets the book he is reading. The problem here is that the best indication of future action or performance is past action and performance. It becomes hard to prepare for what an adversary may bring if you forget what he has already brought to past battles.

Two, we constantly underestimate the adversary. It is as if we think that anyone who is not a product of a democratic society is somehow less intelligent or capable, although that has been proven to be a false assumption several times since September 2001.

Consider this excerpt from a recent Stratfor newsletter -

"A much more successful model of waging a jihadist attack on U.S. soil is the case of U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, who shot and killed 13 people at Fort Hood in Texas in November 2009. Instead of traveling to Yemen or Pakistan for training, which would have aroused suspicion, Maj. Hasan used skills he already possessed and simple means to conduct his attack, something that kept his profile low (although he was under investigation for posting comments online seemingly justifying suicide attacks). Ultimately, Hasan killed more people with a handgun than the recently botched or thwarted attacks involving relatively complicated IEDs..."

The enemy is not as stupid as we would prefer he was. The enemy sees the various failed bombing attacks; the first WTC attack....the failed Richard Reid (Shoe Bomber), the failed Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab (Crotch Bomber), the failed Joel Henry Hinrichs III (OKSU Bomber) and the failed Faisal Shahzad (Times Square Bomber). And he also sees the successful attacks not relying on complicated explosives; Mir Aimal Kasi shooting his victims outside CIA, Malvo and Mohammed - the successful DC Snipers, the various successful Mumbai shooters, the spectacularly successful Major Nidal Hasan, and the plethora of successful active shooter events through the years.

Put yourself in the enemy’s shoes....err, sandals.....which option would YOU pick? Which offers the easiest implementation, least chance for detection, greatest chance for success – bombs or bullets?

The mass shooting and not the improvised and unsuccessful bomb is the “easy button”, and that fact cannot be ignored by us as it will not be overlooked by the enemy.

So what do we do?

1). We must identify who the enemy is. Please go back and peruse the list of events above, both failed and successful. What is the common thread connecting the attackers?

2). Carry your gun everywhere.....a REAL fighting gun....not some sissy "suitable for CCW" 5 shot "self defense gun". The times are not such that concern over a mugger is the issue anymore. Carry extra ammo with you. It is not difficult at all to carry a full sized pistol with a couple of extra magazines. I have done so since 1983.

These are not the times to be seeking political correctness over public safety. It is not the time to fear false labels created and assigned by the mass media. The Israelis learned that lesson long ago. After all is said and done, it is better to be a live “intolerant racist” (as the MSM would call us) than a dead “co-existing”, tolerant “paragon of political correctness”. I suspect that had Shahzad’s bomb been successful, lots of tolerant, “co-exist” types would have died right alongside us “intolerant racists”. The times call for careful profiling and suspicious curiosity as well as daily preparation.

Dress everyday as if you had a business meeting in Mumbai on 26 November 2008 with a bunch of Jews, Christians, and atheist Americans at a cafe right across the street from the Jihad School Of Terrorism.

Be ready or be a victim.
Dec 2009
Winthrop, WA
Thank you for the excellent post. This is an example of the clear thought and bold willingness to take action that is so commonly missing from today's mindset.
Jan 2009
you mean not everyone carries an AR with 5 loaded mags in their car and a glock with 2 reloads on their person 24/7?
