
  1. taku

    What really is wrong with the country today

    Tired of fighting anti gun laws, lying politicians, subversion of our nation. This does a very good job of explaining what we need to fight and correct. It won't fix itself. Link, click to read. Glenn Beck: Progressives are the lunatic fringe – Glenn Beck
  2. richardlpalmer

    The Wrong Diner

    Wrong Diner
  3. richardlpalmer

    The Wrong Woman

    The Wrong Woman
  4. BigStick

    Try this Trick on the wrong guys and get a NASTY Treat!

    Six arrested after trick-or-treaters robbed in Tacoma, Wash. - UPI.com " Six teenagers, one armed with a handgun, were arrested for allegedly robbing Halloween trick-or-treaters in Tacoma, Wash., police said. The suspects, ranging in age from 13 to 17 and wearing blue bandannas, allegedly...