Washington State Gun Rights and Responsibilities

Jan 2009
In researching the WA state gun laws, I have found an invaluable resource that has been an immense help in breaking down the laws and explaining everyday situations for open and concealed carry.

The book is titled: Washington Gun Rights and Responsibilities (<--- Active link to the website.)


About the book (from the website):

Washington State Gun Rights and Responsibilities deals with firearms ownership, both the rights and responsibilities for Washington state residents. It contains language from existing Washington State statutes that were in effect at the time it was written. This includes the laws that relate to use of force in self defense, defense of property, and defense of another person.

You will also find advice on safe firearms handling, a section on kids and guns, and the general "rules of the road" about owning, carrying, and using firearms, whether for recreation or personal defense.

What's New in this Edition

* Open Carry regulations, interpretations, and recommendations
* Reciprocity with other states
* "No duty to retreat" in a lethal confrontation


The book is $10.95 + $4.50 postage/tax/handling and can be ordered directly from D&D. I happened to stumble across my copy at Adventure Sports in Lynnwood where they sell it at the checkstand. If ordering from D&D, preferred payment method is check or money order. (I emailed and inquired regarding preferred payment method and this was the response.)

I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to learn more about the WA state gun laws, especially those surrounding concealed carry, open carry, and self-defense.